Store Template Using Nuxt 3 And UnoCSS


Introducing our online store template built to provide the ultimate shopping experience. This template is built using Nuxt 3 and UnoCSS. It has a classic yet elegant style, which ensures that your products are shown in a clear, concise and refined manner. The website template is completely responsive to different screen sizes, i.e. it works on any device! It has well-structured pages and each part of the page is abstracted into seperate components. This template is highly performant but it does not sacrifice accessibility. It follows the WAI principles making it accessible to everyone. With this website template, you can ensure that your customers will have an awesome experience, and that will lead to more sales of your products! Under the hood, it uses Nuxt Image module for image optimisation, Pinia for seamless state management and we have used our own images instead of relying on an external image provider.

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